Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Shower Day! From: Angela


  1. Aw, Ang. That gift put a big smile on my face. You couldn't be any cuter in your monogrammed baseball cap. I really did LOL when you said "if you can clip em, paint em." Good one! Great gift! I have some catching up to do. There's been some BUSY posters.

  2. Okay, INCREDIBLE post! You are so cute.
    Clip'em paint'em---VERY funny! I wonder what Don will say about that, once he sees his baby girl! There is something about Daddy's that become VERY protective once the baby girl arrives.

    Angela you have not changed a bit since we were all younger back in the burg!

  3. Angela, what a sweet voice you have! This is a great idea...I think we all need to put video messages on our blogs so we know how everyone talks. I feel like I really know you now and can just sit here imagining you talking smack about Jason from The Bachelor!

    Okay, could those onesies be cuter? I LOVE them! And seriously, that baby girl outfit (I need Donna to teach me all the correct names for the clothes) is precious - the pink ruffles on the back - ADORABLE! And the shoes...this baby girl is going to be styling and I cannot wait to see this ensemble on her. Thank you so much!

    I am laughing so hard about the fingernail polish...are you really an OPI sales rep and I just don't know it?! :) How do you know all these colors? You always have the best descriptions of them too. Thank you so much and I agree with your sentiment about clipping and painting...makes sense to me!

    Thanks again Angela for your sweet video and for the sweet gifts! And you just need to come on up from Hotlanta when these babies are born and meet them...oh, and me too! :)

  4. Oh, and welcome to the no shower club today! I'm a full time member and I thought Denise was with me, but I'm thinking she may have cleaned up for "her love" by now. :)

  5. Hey, a girls gotta eat and if her hubby wants to take her out to din din she's gotta get cleaned up. I'm out'a her.

  6. haha! Good post, Angela!! I just got a shower at 6:00, so I think there was a no-shower thing going on along the East Coast today.

    Jennifer, that was a bubble. I LOVE girls in bubbles!!! Your daughter will look adorable in it:) Cute nailpolish, too. I agree with Denise, some dads don't like it on little hubby being an example:)

  7. I know, I know, I would probably be a little protective over their NEW, FRESH SKIN and NAILS too. When Will was first born, I wouldn't let any harsh chemicals NEAR him. Now, my boys help me spread lawn fertilizer! Yikes!

    Jennifer, you take your good sweet time in painting that little darlings nails. I mean, if you wait 5 weeks instead of 3, that's totally understandable! ha!!!! :)

  8. It is so fun hearing everybody's voices and seeing them in action. Angela, you trumped us with a visual and virtual gift presentation. GOOD JOB, GIRL!!! I loved everything you bought down to the nail polish. That made me laugh when you held that up. Someone needs to inform the CEO of OPI about Angela. LOL!

  9. You are as cute LIVE as you are in pictures! (LOVE the monogrammed hat!) Great gifts, so precious to think of sweet girl in nail polish!!!!

  10. What a neat post! Yes, I think its a must we all need to do video posts. LOL! Great idea about the polish. We want her all girly and all. Great post!

  11. Great job Angela! I thought about doing a video post but decided I was too chicken! That "bubble" outfit is sooooo cute! I LOVE ruffles on a sweet baby girls bottom! And I am a big fan of OPI nail polish! Paint em if ya got em!

  12. I am late in painting nails...Barely get mine done much less Margaret Ruth. Love the bubble outfit and the onesies! OPI must love you!

  13. Now here is a girl after my own heart. Ruffles and OPI polish. I'm using it as we speak. What adorable gifts. Love the video. I agree, all the girls should do a video.

    Sweet post.

  14. What a lovely video by a beauty! I read your posts on Roof with a View and now feel like I know you too. Love the gifts...I only have sons so am all with you on the polish :)

  15. Angela, I'm still trying to download your video but saw the first few seconds and LOVED it! You're so creative and such a good gift giver. I know Jennifer will love the OPI! You are OPI QUEEN!
