Friday, April 17, 2009

I can't give enough to my good friend, Jennifer

Happy Shower Day, Jennifer!!!! I am so excited about my gifts, I am about to explode. I hope you enjoy everything.

(Disclaimer to those who don't know me........No, I'm not on drugs.....No, I don't have brain damage......and Yes, Jennifer expects this from me)

I stumbled upon a GREAT SALE and bought you tons of baby clothes. You will be so excited when you get them. I bought an entire black trash bag FULL. The lady assured me that 1 hour on a clothesline and all traces of cigarette smoke will be GONE from these clothes.

I also wanted to make sure you had your necessary supplies on hand for when the babies make their arrival. Here is a supply of "vitamins" you will need for months to come....Did I say months or years????

Knowing you are such a conscienscious person, these are for those rough nights when the babies are crying at all hours. You need to do what Oprah says and take care of YOURSELF first. They'll eventually stop.

I know how your image is very important to you. Just in case your uterus plays peek-a-boo under your clothes or you can't get those jeans buttoned, I have included some things to help you.

I picked up this uterus harness for you. I thought it was very cute but the neat thing was that it came in his and hers. I went ahead and picked one up for Don as well.

Keeping up with 3 can be a handful so I picked this up for you. I think there is room for everyone. Don't feel guilty using it whenever you need it. Remember, you have to look out for #1.

Discipline is key to raising good children. "Spare not the rod" is so true so I have purchased for you a Cat-of-nine tails because I know you want your children to be Christlike.

If they get really unruly and you start to feel out-of-control, I hired a nanny service to come over several days a week to help train your children until you get the hang of it. Pat is very excited about her upcoming trip to South Caroline.

One of the most beautiful things a mother can experience is breastfeeding. I bought you a new breastpump to help with your milk supply. Not pictured is the 178 oz. jar of udder cream that comes FREE with the pump.

Also, the crane should be delivering to you in the next few days a new nursing bra for when you are engorged.

Don't feel bad if the breastfeeding doesn't work. I had tremendous difficulty and felt so much condemnation. To ease this burden off of you, I have hired Sunglaafoolucoo to be your wet nurse. She has 60 years experience and has helped villages of women. Didn't Hillary teach us that? "It takes a village"

Also, you will have no time to keep your house clean so I have hired a maid service to send out Mike/Michelle (will answer to either name) to come once a week and clean for you.

At first glance you might think these are diapers for the babies. These are for you, Jennifer. I wanted to pick up a few things just for you to make you feel like a woman again.

I was on a roll and went ahead and hired kitchen help as well. LaFonda will be serving meals to you for the first 2 months you are home from the hospital. She comes highly recommended. Her menu for this month is......Chitlins.......Chitlins.......and well, more Chitlins. I promise you will get used to the smell.

This is one of my biggest disappointments. I hated to mention it to you. Denise loved the massage tech I sent her way so I wanted to bless you with the same. Earl comes highly recommended and does great pre- and postnatal massages. I tried to get him there but he wouldn't fit in the box so he had to stay behind. I'm so sorry! Don will have to take over in this department.

Speaking of Don, I know how those post-baby hormones are all over the place and you can be mighty grouchy at times. I didn't want to leave him out of this blessed time so I purchased this get-away for Max and Don for those rough days. Cletus should have it there by the time the baby arrives.

Now for the best gift of all............. I AM COMING TO SOUTH CAROLINA TO HELP YOU WITH THE BABIES FOR THREE MONTHS!!!! Yes, you heard me. I am on my way now so I should arrive sometime this evening. I have arranged childcare for my children and am coming to help you out and help with those babies. I know this is a big shock to you and you probably want to say things like, "Kristi, you really don't have to do that" and "No, we are really doing fine" and "Honestly, we have things under control" but I know those lines all too well. I am so looking forward to it as I'm sure you are. Maybe we can stay up late tonight and braid each other's hair????
(I will forward to you my list of dietary restrictions and diet preferences for the next several months. Also, did I mention that I prefer to sleep on a minimum of 400 thread-count sheets?)

I know this sounds like an excuse but your main gifts are coming as soon as you decide on names. I already had to throw away at least half a dozen baby items that were monogrammed with Kristopher and Kristine b/c I just knew you were going with that. I can't keep throwing money away so I am going to have to wait on you to give me a definite. I was on pins and needles with Denise when I thought she might change the name or go with Ashley instead of Jane since I already had something custom made for her. Anyway, gifts will be disclosed again in the coming weeks.
I also did get you a Target gift card for this shower that I will be mailing to you. I was going to buy a gift to display but I figured you could buy another item for what it would cost to ship from Texas. I hope you can buy some of those loose ends you need after all your showers are over.In all seriousness, I am thrilled for you, Don and Max. These babies are truly miracles and gifts from God. I know they were the "desires of your heart" for so long and I couldn't be happier for you. I know God has such great plans for these little lives as well as for your other little miracle, Big Brother Max. I love you dearly and am glad to call you my friend and now my Blog Sister.


  1. Kristi! I am sitting here shaking! You are a mess! How do you find those pictures? My favorite is the nanny, Pat!! I'm still shaking. That must have taken some serious thought and time. I think you won for best post!

  2. I'm literally speechless! Kristi, you have done it again. I just don't know how you get your mind to go to some of these places - HILARIOUS!

    I cannot wait to show Don his gifts - he has been eating somewhat unhealthy lately so he will appreciate the "uterus harness." Although, would you call it that for a man?

    Thank goodness for the cat of nine tails. Max has been acting up lately and this would have come in handy. How old do children need to be before this is used?

    You really have some good contacts out there...Earl, Mike/Michelle, Sunglaafoolucoo, Lafonda. Your children seem so well-behaved and well-fed and now I know why.

    Okay, now I'm getting serious, I'm sorry I don't have names for you, but thank you for what I know will be so cute...whatever it is! And who doesn't love a Target gift card??? That will probably be the only other place I go for awhile after the babies are born so this will be just perfect!

    You're a great friend and you always keep me in stiches! Oh, I forgot to tell you that our family is actually going on a long vacation before the babies are born. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to travel but we thought we'd try it anyway. Do you think maybe you could stay with my mom or sister? I know that they would LOVE to host you for 3 months - right mom and Andrea?

    Thanks for the great gifts and for all the're a NUT!!!!! :)

  3. Kristi, you are stinking hilarious. I just had Paul read this with me. I was laughing so hard, he was curious. I think my favorite part is the trailer that you're going to hitch up in her yard! It reminds me of Christmas Vacation. Paul thought you were pretty clever with the "cat of nine tails" so her children will be more "Christlike". He was like, "she pushes the envelope a little, but that girl is funny!" Do you google pictures? I can't imagine trying to google..."man wearing a uterine support".

    You're a HOOT! Thanks for the laughs.

  4. Oh, and Pat the nanny needs to wax her 'stache. ha ha! I'm rolling!

  5. hey girlfriend...
    Where did you get the "uterus harness"? I want one...
    also, send be Pat's phone #. I have a buddy that I would like to set up...

  6. UNREAL! Danny and I are sitting here laughing! You are crazy! Thanks for making us laugh Kristi--you always do!

    Hey, I'm glad you showed up for the shower. I was getting ready to check up on you. I hope you're feeling better!

  7. FBIL, you make me laugh so hard. When I read the line about Pat and a hook up, I almost spit out my drink.

  8. Fa-Bill.....Pat contacted ME after she saw your picture on Facebook and knew we were friends.

  9. Kristi!!!! I KNEW this one was yours after the first sentence...those pictures! You are a riot!!! Hope Jennifer doesn't go into labor from laughing!!

  10. Jennifer, Are you actually friends with this gal??? ha ha!
    That was pretty funny! I am just in shock over the man harness. I can't believe they even make those. Now that is what I call a JOCK STRAP! Scary!

  11. Kristi, I was laughing so hard that I couldn't see the words anymore. My husband had to come over and read for me. We were both rolling! I can't believe the pic of the lady, I use that term VERY loosely, with her, I'm not sure what, almost touching the ground. Hilarious! I loved the post and you definately win my vote for most creative post. You are one lucky woman Jennifer! Kristi spared no expense for you!

  12. I am laughing so hard I can barely type! How can anyone post their blog after that? You make it hard to follow! Love it, love it, love it! Nothing like good humor to get the bellies laughing!

  13. KRISTI! I am BELLY laughing. I KNEW that was you before the minute I saw "Jennifer expects this from me." I am speechless. That was award winning. You are SOOOO sweet to offer your nanny services. Definitely a good friend! I love you, Kristi!

  14. Kristi, you really ought to think of going into comedy!! You're soooo funny! I know it took you a long time to compose that whole post....where ever did you find those pictures? provided the entertainment for the shower. Keep it up....laughter is good for the soul.

  15. Some people minds are fascinating and funny!!!! I laughed so hard.

  16. Jane, I like those words....fascinating and funny. Those sound so much better than the names Jennifer usually throws my way such as sick, demented, mentally-ill, scary, etc, etc.

    Jenius, the wonder of google. You too can find stupid pictures like this. HA!

  17. I'm just catching up on all these posts throughout my day today and I am here by myself laughing and shaking! I LOVED the Pat picture too. You're so funny Kristi! Thanks for the laughs. The Target gift card is ALWAYS a good gift!
