Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jenny's Ark this started out as a slideshow but I was worried not everyone could view it. I figured I better post each slide separately. If it's hard to read, just double click on the picture to make it bigger for reading purposes.


  1. Love the matchie matchie! Looks like a boutique purchase. These will be great for the summer. Cute HPS!

  2. Love the onesies! I can just imagine two little ones in them with chubby little legs sticking out!! Good choice, HPS!

  3. Hannah, Hannah...this is SO creative and SO cute! I love how you made it look like a scrapbook. And the comparison to Noah's Ark is so true since I'm carrying a boy and a girl and also because something tells me these two will be running around like little "animals" one day!! :)

    Okay, and I LOVE the matching onesies and burp cloths...I mean spew cloths! Those are adorable and will be just perfect for summertime. Thank you SO MUCH!!!

    Hannah, you have been so much fun to get to know through your blog AND in person! You keep me laughing with all your hilarious sayings and the way your phrase your words. You're a nut and I love it!

    Thanks for for the GREAT gifts and for making such a cute and creative little're the best, FO SURE!

  4. I WOULD WEAR THAT ONESIE!! How cute! You are so creative, Hannah! Maybe you could share some scrapblog techiques on RWAV!!!

  5. You're so sweet, Jenny and your shower ROCKS. By the way, I can go ahead and send you your sercy BUT if you want them monogrammed in true southern fashion, I can wait till you make the grand announcement. The girl that I had make them for your normally monograms them. It is up to you. You just let me know, sweetie pie.

  6. Precious Hannah! The gifts and the presentation. You are one creative gal! I love the colors in those two outfits. That will make a precious matchy-matchy picture around the house.

  7. I LOVE these onesies and burp clothes HPS! Good choice! And I LOVE that the have elephants on them since Jennifer is such a REPUBLICAN!!! Bring on the Elephants!

    Good Creative post!
