Sunday, April 19, 2009

To Little Sis from [favorite] sister Andrea

Okay, I am so, so late! We just got back into town -- gone all weekend! Know the cake's gone, but here are my gifts.

Poor Don, sometimes he gets a little overlooked. These onesies are for him (not to wear):

"Charming like Daddy" and "Daddy's Favorite Shrimp":

Don, they didn't have any muscle shirts, or else I would have bought them.

Next, to celebrate your Texas heritage and to pass it along to the twins: Cow print bibs and burpcloths (models: Lily and Clay -- for hire)

And to think that with Lily and Clay, I carried a plain white wipes case. Jennifer, I don't want you to go through the same humiliation . . .

I am so blessed to have Jennifer as a sister. And Don as a brother-in-law and especially my sweet Max as a nephew. I can't wait for the twins!!


  1. LOVE those burpee's an bib's! So cute, SO TX!

    And Jennifer, OooooLaLa on the wipe case. You will be stylin!

    CUTE kiddos!!!! Cute names! Are they twins too????

  2. Alright, Andrea! You came through! I was wondering if you were laying in a ditch in Southpark with leg cramps from yesterday's race!! By the way, I was about to crash your dinner party last night with my two:) Hope you did well yesterday!

    Now, on to the gifts: I LOVE the burp cloths and the fabrics. So cute. The models are hilarious with their thumb sucking. They are both cute kids! Love the wipe case and the funny onesies.

    Now. FBIL....WHERE ARE YOU?!

  3. Andrea, I'm so impressed...your first blog post was very good I must included pictures and all!

    By the way, Andrea was in Charlotte this weekend doing another 1/2 marathon. I'm sure she did well. She's going to be my personal running coach when these babies are born - just an FYI Andrea.

    She sure knows me well because I do love TX and western looking things. Thanks so much sis! And Don will love the little, so cute! I think he is feeling left out but something tells me he'll make it through the tough times ahead. In fact, he informed me this afternoon that two of his buddies called him this afternoon from the golf course and told him they wanted to give him a "shower." Apparently, a shower to them means going out on the town one night...I said that's fine as long as he comes back with a stack of onesies! HAHA

    And yes, I'm so glad I won't have to hide the white free Huggies wipe case this time around...that is so embarrasing. I do love those cases so thanks so much! FYI everyone...Andrea's good friend makes those, the bibs and the burp cloths and she does a great job!

    Thanks're one good sister and I appreciate all you do! :) Andrea will be my back up full time nanny come summer so she will needs some prayers too. It's going to be tough for her not getting any sleep at night...

  4. Is that the friend that was on Oprah recently?

  5. Yes, that's the one, Donna. Her business, Two Monkeys, is on my sidebar on my blog.

  6. yes...Jennifer I would not want you to be embaressed by just a plain white wipes case. I was humiliated everytime I pulled one out!
    I love those wipe chic!
    Great gifts!

  7. Cute gifts. I love the bibs. Very unique.

  8. Andrea, how did I miss your post yesterday? See Dunn also are bloggers in the making. GOOD POST ANDREA!!!!

    I love the sweet baby things you got Jennifer. I'm glad you are sparing her from the humiliation I face everyday with my plain, white Huggies wipes container with no cover. I can hardly show my face in public so I'm glad you've got her back! What a great sister~

  9. Jennifer,
    I think you should have gotten a camo wipes container. It would have matched the kids outfit....

  10. I LOVE those bibs too. Jennifer, is that bib you gave me by the same person? The fabric looks the same and I loved it! Every time Michael wears it, the bib gets lots of compliments!

    Way to go on your 1/2 marathon Andrea! You're an inspiration!
